Web Design and Development for:
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Securing your network
A recent hack of one of the largest organisations offering shared hosting for enterprises left website owners vulnerable to the security features offered by this kind of company. In order to recover from a malicious web attack, GoDaddy advises doing the following, including:
determining whether a harmful application is there, eradicating it, and then recovering data from a backup.
It’s important to understand how you create your backups to understand the workflow of your software development process. This is the reason Amazon Web Services recommends Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery / Deployment Software Delivery.
High-speed software application development is one of the key benefits of continuous integration. One of the fundamental criteria for a website owner is the ability to expand the features of a customisable website like WordPress that enables the customer to update the site with the CMS without the need for technical experience.
The job of a software engineer is to offer clients options with high security and scalability features so that businesses can find growth opportunities. Security issues that are not handled early in the software development stages for software projects can be catastrophic for businesses and this is why we recommend a shared hosting to our customers only to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of web design without delving too deeply into the techniques of distribution.
Instead, if a developer is involved in the development of a WordPress site for a business in a sustainable manner a different approach could be invested in.
The inception of web design and development of a WordPress site can be set up locally using Docker and security concerns are handled by the kernel of the Docker container and capability of the Virtual Private Server.
Installing WordPress using docker in a Cloud hosting environment
While there are other ways to install WordPress in a cloud hosting environment, our top priority is ensuring the highest level of security for the application’s user and the company. A birds-eye view of the project is also available, making it easier for the developer to produce the artefacts of the web site for updates, security backups and team collaborations.
The first step in setting up our WordPress site using Docker you should try to follow other tutorials online as such the tutorial provided by Digital Ocean and WPEngine.
The architecture of our WordPress site should look similar to the following git repo before the set-up.
The config folder contains the upload.ini configuration to set the max upload size of our WordPress container on our Docker compose file and make sure we are able to install themes or upload images up to 64 MB.
Make sure you are running docker and are able to run Docker Compose.
The Docker compose file: docker-compose.yml has all the configuration for our docker containers if you would like to learn more about the configuration details for WordPress you can visit the official site.
We are actually running docker using nginx and we are mapping the ports to 80 so that when we visit the http://localhost:80 we are able to access WordPress. In order to map this link to a domain name you would like to configure the A records of you domain name and make sure your nginx configurations file are set correctly.
To create a web design on WordPress locally our main aim is to access the root directory of our WordPress site which we have defined in the default.conf file this file sits under the nginx-conf folder we created in our working directory and the way in which we mount the WordPress site is also defined in our Docker compose file. There are different ways to do this for example our PHP image is defined in a docker file called php.dockerfile.
if you run a docker compose –up –d on the configurations your WordPress site should be up and running. However, it is important to understand how all this files correlate to get project up and running. For example, we are not going too much into detail about the .env file which we used to connect to our Database. It is important to note that if you run a docker compose -up -d command to start your Docker containers instantly you might get an error as such as Error establishing connection to Database or This site can’t be reached. This is because in our default.conf file we have set our directives that would be used as indexes when processing request to our server. Therefore, if the files are not configured correctly, you might need to troubleshoot your configurations.
It is possible that all of the WordPress files must be loaded locally before it may launch, provided the developer is certain that all the configurations have been configured correctly. Hence, a certain level of assurance in the strategy used to install WordPress on Docker is required in order to troubleshoot any issues.
Once WordPress is running Locally you can begin Development using you preferred workflow. Here is the point of determining how testing and delivery would be implemented. You can test a recent WordPress theme you have acquired for WordPress developer or start developing you own theme from scratch. It is important to understand that the most basic WordPress theme is just the index.php, the style.css and perhaps a screenshot of the Website you have developed on Figma or Adobe XD.
From this point you can start you using your Favourite programming languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript. WordPress is built on core PHP which means the functions used to develop the site are written in PHP. When building a template, the main components are the header and the footer. It needs to match is part of the branding and other parts of the site and functions are considered along the way.
To run Docker on a server you would need to consider subscribing for a Virtual Private Server to access root administration privileges. However, running docker on AWS is supported extensively and is in the core of their objectives.